Wednesday, September 14, 2011

"I'm already in school: Beathany Bear's!" (Duh)

First breakfast of champs


 Here she is, in all her new-school-clothes glory. 

 Dada almost couldn't find the head band she picked out on their date, but two phone calls to mom at work later and the day was saved.

Could not be more ready


 Second breakfast of champs 
(The proximity of Mighty O donuts to her school could turn out to be a real problem)

 Literally jumping for joy

 When she walked in to her classroom she was all business. She headed straight for the dramatic play area and the princess shoes.

So far, we all love Bethany Bear's Preschool. Everyone we've met is nice. Tyler had a super fun time her first day. She got to be the line leader and lead her class outside, ride tricycles, paint, and read books about school. We are bringing snack tomorrow and I am volunteering in the art room next month. It's like I'm the mother of a preschooler or something.
   Last week when we went to meet her classmates and teacher, a mom was saying that her daughter was turning four in November. I thought to myself, " Woah, she is way older then Tyler." Like three days later, I realized Wait! Tyler is turning four one month after that. (meep!)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! I cant get over the cuteness! Love how she put her hand on her hip to pose for the picture. She is her mother's daughter for sure! She is growing up crazy fast.
