Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Several Posts about the First Month of Evie's Life Starting with this One

Somebody that I love a lot turned 29 on August 13th! Unfortunately, I can barely remember what happened. I can tell from the pictures that there were cupcakes and Amanda was there. I might have even made the cupcakes. Oh, I remember Amanda took Nick to dinner at Villa Carona (his fav) and then we had some cupcakes with store-bought frosting which I hate and everyone else apparently loves. After Evie was born Nick said he was never going to have a birthday again because her's is so close. That's probably true. I love you, Nick! 

 Josh held Evie for the first time. He was too afraid of her smallness before this. He likes her. He is actually a pretty great uncle. This very night he played " Disney Princess Pretty as a Picture 3D matching game" with Tyler and read her 3 bedtime books right in the middle of Jepardy! He's a keeper. 

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