Thursday, December 1, 2011

One and a Half Years Old!

Fox turned 18 months old last month. And he is living it up by doing all sorts of adorable, dangerous, troublesome, sweet, and silly things. Maybe I'll do like a list. Here:

1. The other day when Tyler pulled a chair onto her foot (wailing and tears) he brought her a tissue! And then blew his own nose after she had used it. 
2. When I ask him if he would like something like a sandwich or orange he replies with a very definite and serious no with a quick head shake. He used to say "new" , but now he says real deal "no".
3. When I walked out of the kitchen yesterday he was standing on the arm of the couch reaching for the lamp.
4. When he is ready for bed he says, "nigh-nigh, nigh-nigh" and starts waving.
5. He looooves his Dada. When we pick him up from work he shouts, "Da Da! Da Da!" for about 5 minutes straight. 
6. In addition to all of the ridiculously cute faces he makes already he now has an extreme sheepish/pouty/ chin-into-the shoulder face that he makes at any given time. 
7. I can hand him half an apple and he will eat it up without choking or spitting it all on the floor.
8. I get to spend a good half of my day pulling dangerous/disgusting/breakable things out of his hand.  
We love Fox so much!

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